Blockchain - Konjungate - News

Our founder is giving an interview on Radio Helsinki

In March, our founder is giving an interview on Radio Helsinki to talk about KONJ and the importance of a decentralized art funding system. We will announce the broadcast date here again.  

Blockchain - Konjungate - News


MAPUTO FAST FORWARD Festival Session 4 – Crypto Art and the new Blockchain Ecosystem 28.10.2021, Start: 6pm (CET) Online event. Zoom Link: We will present KONJUNGATE and there: Evaro Abreu, Rita Palma (, Kotryna Tribusinaite (, Michael Mastrototaro (Founder: & KONJUNGATE), Tais Koshino Image on top screenshot of

Blockchain - Konjungate - News

KONJUNGATE mentioned in „The History of Automatic Writing“

Mention in The History of Automatic Writing from the Surrealists to AI Writing into the Future article on Link to article The tradition of automatic writing waned in popularity over the following decades, with one noted entry. In 1999 multimedia artist and author, Michael Mastrototaro, known as “Mastro,” wrote a prescient cyber novel entitled…

Konjungate - News

KONJUNGATE to host a funding table at Resources Mobilisation Digithon – RMD 2021

RMD2021 is the manifestation of a reserved and unyielding engagement of the CFW in defending and supporting its cause in mobilizing resources for the Arts and culture sector around the globe.

Blockchain - Konjungate - News

Part of the Austrian Blockchain Landscape

Lets celebrate! It’s Caterina Valente’s birthday today! Also KONJUNGATE gets more recognition and listed as part of the Austrian Blockchain Landscape.

Konjungate - News

Curator Jing Yi Teo interrogates artist Michael Mastrototaro on Konjungate

Curator Jing Yi Teo interrogates artist Michael Mastrototaro on his prescient cyber novel and how a fictional stone evolved into a cryptocurrency. Read the full interview on So Far.

Blockchain - Konjungate


Presentation of KONJUNGATE @ PIKSEL We are very happy to announce that Michael Mastrototaro will present KONJUNGATE at PIKSEL19 media art festival in Bergen, Norway! The festival takes place from 21.11. – 24.11. and i will be in Bergen during the festival days. If you are around give me a note to get in touch…

Konjungate - News

Presentation of KONJUNGATE

Presentation of KONJUNGATE 07.10.2019 Where: Kultur in Graz – Saal 2, Lagergasse 98a, 8020 Graz / Austria / Europe When :: Monday, 7. October 2019 What time :: 8pm CET Blockchain Worklap: from 07.10 – 12.10.2019 More info about (in german)

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